Town Meeting Hears Reports Annual Town Meeting Will Continue Thursday May 4th Town Meeting was dominated by presentations on Monday night, May 1....
RMLD Offers Educational Event On Monday, May 8 at 6:00pm the Reading Municipal Light Department will host an event to help explain their...
State of the Town of Reading The following is the 2017 State of the Town Report from Board of Selectmen Chair John Arena for the...
Fifty-Year Member of Town Meeting Recognized Town meeting member Bill Brown was recognized at the outset of the Thursday town meeting session for his 50...
Summer Avenue Walking Tour Planned Walkable Reading, the Historic District Commission, and the Reading Antiquarian Society have come together to sponsor a walk of...
RMHS Band Goes to Disney World During the week of April 17-21, the Reading Memorial High School Marching Band and Color Guard traveled to Orlando,...
Town Meeting Prohibits Recreational Marijuana Establishments Town Meeting Approves Expansion of Smart Growth District Town Meeting voted to go with the choice of the voters...
RMLD Online Store Offers More Energy Efficient Products Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD) is pleased to announce that it has updated its online store to offer a...
Warning about Telephone Scam Spoofing a Town Phone Extension Chief Mark Segalla and the Reading Police Department are issuing a warning to residents about a telephone scam in...
Reading Community Singers Concert on May 6 What happens when you hear music? Feel like singing? Can’t keep your feet still? You sound like us! The...