Selectmen Set New Sticker Fees The board of selectmen set the fee structure for the new split compost and depot parking stickers at its...
Curbside Leaf Collection Dates Announced As summer turns to autumn and leaves begin falling, homeowners will break out the rakes, mowers, leaf blowers, and...
Chamber Hosts Dining for Dollars at Bertucci’s The Reading-North Reading is hosting a Dining for Dollars fundraiser at Bertucci’s, located at 45 Walker’s Brook Drive in...
Don’t Miss the Party! Trivia Night to Benefit Reading 375 In case you haven’t heard, the Town of Reading is celebrating its 375th...
TRP Sunday Edition 10/22 “Yes for Reading” Organizes Yes for Reading, a municipal ballot committee advocating for a Proposition 2 ½ override ballot question and...
RCB Sponsors Parent University at RMHS Reading Cooperative Bank (RCB) is proud to be sponsoring Reading Public Schools’ first annual Parent University. Recently, RCB President...
“Yes for Reading” Organizes Yes for Reading, a municipal ballot committee advocating for a Proposition 2 ½ override ballot question and a “Yes”...
Spooky Halloween Fun Reading has many Halloween events leading up to the 31 of October. The Reading Public Library has a “Dare...
RCASA Keynote Dr. Ruth Potee The keynote speaker at the Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse (RCASA) annual meeting was Dr. Ruth Potee. Potee is...
District Attorney Marian Ryan Speaks at RCASA Annual Meeting Erica McNamera, Director of the Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse (RCASA), opened the September 28 annual meeting by highlighting...