Webb Resigns From School Committee In a letter dated September 16, Elaine Webb informed the School Committee chair Chuck Robinson of her resignation from...
Finance Committee Prepares for Town Meeting Town Manager Robert LeLacheur reported to the Finance Committee on September 11 regarding Town Meeting Article 4, which asks...
RCASA Reports on RMHS Risk Behavior Survey Erica McNamara, Director of the Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse (RCASA), presented the results of the 2019 Youth Risk...
Warrant Set for Town Meeting The November Town Meeting warrant was closed by a 5-0 vote of the Select Board on Tuesday, September 10....
Fusilli’s Seeks New Parking Architect Jeffrey Brem, representing Fusilli’s Restaurant, proposed a major modification to the approved site plan review at the restaurant’s...
Walkers Brook Sign on Hold The Weston & Sampson firm, which has now occupied almost three floors of the office building at 55 Walkers...
Select Board: Bay State Liquors Sold Alcohol to Minors The Select Board voted unanimously on August 27 that Baystate Liquors violated Massachusetts General Law 138 section 34, sale...
School Committee Receives Turf 2 Update Joe Huggins, Director of Facilities, updated the School Committee regarding the progress of various capital projects from Fiscal Year...
New Austin Prep Baseball Field Gets CPDC Approval Austin Preparatory School’s plans to build a new combination baseball and soccer field on its Willow Street campus cleared...
Select Board Seeks to Continue Senior Tax Relief Program The Select Board voted 3-0 to pursue a new home rule petition for senior tax relief at its August...