Letter: Join Me in Voting for Megan Fidler-Carey

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Hello, Reading neighbors!

I’m writing to ask you to join me in voting for Megan Fidler-Carey for School Committee. When I joined Town Meeting two years ago, I met Megan during our precinct meeting before the main event. She was kind enough to let me “tag-along” and sit with her in the main meeting where I definitely felt like the overwhelmed new kid. In the two years since we’ve continued to sit together and I’ve learned so much just from talking with her there. She’s clearly deeply invested in our town and in the exchange of ideas at Town Meeting, with the goal of making the best decisions for Reading to thrive.

Her passion for our town also came through loud and clear during Reading’s 375th birthday celebrations last summer. She delved into the history of her residence for “If This House Could Talk,” scoured town for the right photo locations in the scavenger hunt, and hosted awesome music in her yard for Porchfest, where we sang and danced along. I don’t know about you, but I definitely want that kind of enthusiasm and Reading pride supporting our students and teachers.

Others have talked about Megan’s amazing education credentials (they really are stellar!) but I thought it was important to also share a sense of her personality. I have no doubt she will throw herself into School Committee with the same energy and devotion she’s already demonstrated in her other avenues of service to our town. I hope you’ll give her one of your votes on March 3rd!

Rebecca Bailey
Forest Glen Road

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