11th Annual Bike Recycling & Give-Away May 3rd and 4th Bicycle Recycling and Give-Away is back and better than ever! Each spring, bikes are donated, cleaned...
Local Authors Publish New Book In Honor of Reading 375 By Jeanne Borawski on behalf of the Reading 375 Committee As part of the Reading 375 Celebrations this spring,...
Reading Participants at the Boston Marathon On Monday, Patriots Day, the town of Reading will have 27 residents toe the line in Hopkinton to run...
Town Manager Releases Statement On Police Chief The Town of Reading released the following statement by email to the Reading Post. The Town has no further...
If This House Could Talk Sign Pick Up THIS SATURDAY Every home in Reading has a story. Share yours with your neighbors this spring...
Berman Reflects on Election, Thanks Supporters Dear Friends and Neighbors I wish to publicly extend my congratulations to Anne Landry and Mark Dockser on their...
Clerk Releases Official Election Results Town Clerk Laura Gemme has released the official results from the April 2 local election in Reading. As previously...
Landry, Dockser, Robinson, Wise Post Election Wins With a tally of 1,981 votes and 1,470 votes respectively Anne Landry and Mark Dockser were elected to the...
Local Election Coming this Tuesday Town Clerk Laura Gemme is encouraging voters to take to the polls next Tuesday, April 2 for the Town...
Election 2019: Berman for Select Board: My Story The Reading Post accepts press releases and letters to the editor from candidates, campaigns, and ballot committees related to the...