RMHS High Five Club NANCY NAJMI Class of ‘78 and ‘20 Mrs. Najmi has left an indelible mark in the hearts and minds...
Teaching & Learning Focus of School Committee Reading, MA — Teaching and Learning was the focus of the School Committee meeting held on June 22. Assistant...
Reading Teachers Celebrate and Reflect Upon the End of the School Year Reading, MA — On Friday, June 19, 2020, the 2019-20 school year in Reading will come to a close....
RMHS Graduates and Reading College Students Discuss Worries Going Into Next School Year Reading, MA — As spring has started to turn into summer here on the North Shore of Massachusetts, the...
Birch Meadow Modulars Delayed Reading, MA — The School Committee was given the news on June 11 that the modular units that are...
Northeast Metro Tech Seeks Partnerships with Local Businesses Amid COVID-19 Wakefield, MA– Superintendent David DiBarri is pleased to share that Northeast Metro Tech received a delivery today from Reading...
Remote Learning: A Semester in Review Reading, MA – On March 13, on what would later be dubbed the last day of in-person classes, one...
Updates Dominate School Committee Meeting Reading, MA — After Superintendent John Doherty announced his decision to leave the Reading Public Schools when his contract...
Remote Learning in Reading Public Schools Reading, MA – Taken at 2:30 pm on a Wednesday afternoon, when Parker Middle School students would usually be...
Doherty to Leave RPS at End of Contract Reading, MA — During his report at the opening of the May 28 School Committee meeting, Superintendent of Schools...