Letter: Vote for Andy Friedmann

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To the Editor,

I urge Reading residents to vote for Andy Friedmann for re-election to the Select Board on March 3rd. Andy has been a tireless advocate for residents’ concerns, including about developers, and for efficient, transparent, accountable town government. He has asked tough questions, like why town staff didn’t catch the fact that the developer of the Met by the train station built too close to the street.

Andy will bring 3 years of experience on the Select Board to the job, as well as 7 years on the Reading Board of Health and 20 years as a parent in town with 3 children who went through our public schools. He believes in representative democracy and, therefore, encourages and facilitates resident engagement in decision making, including strongly supporting all the volunteers who serve on Town Boards and Committees.

He spearheaded the effort to have an independent audit of gas leaks in town and was an active supporter of the 2018 override that provided badly needed funding for our schools, police, and firefighters. If re-elected, he will lead the work to increase the town’s use of renewable energy and sustainable practices.

I hope you will join me in voting for Andy Friedmann on March 3rd to bring his experience and extraordinary commitment to public service to the Select Board.

Thank you!

John A. Lippitt

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