Letter: Vote for Karen Herrick for Select Board

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To the Greater Reading Community,

I am writing in support of Karen Herrick’s candidacy for the Select Board in Reading.

I met Karen in 2004 when I first ran for School Committee in Reading. During my ten-year tenure on the School Committee, Karen was a thoughtful observer and asked well crafted tough questions.

Karen continues to this day to do the same as a Town Meeting member and Finance Committee member. Her knowledge of the budget process and allocation of monies to enhance current programming in Reading, as well as new budget initiatives, will be invaluable as a member of the Select Board. Karen has respectful and lasting relationships with many in the Town, which makes it easy to work together in a collegial and civilized manner. Her decorum is unwavering, even in times of passionate advocacy for what she believes is right for the citizens of Reading.

I am confident that Karen’s keen advocacy in what is best for all residents of Reading will continue as a member of the Select Board. Therefore, it is without reservation and with great enthusiasm that I ask you to join me in casting a strong vote for Karen Herrick for Select Board of Reading on Tuesday, March 3.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Frasca Gibbs, M.Ed.
Precinct 7

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