Employees of the Reading Water Department receive a special citation recognizing Continued Effort in the Beyond Compliance Award at the 2019 MassDEP Drinking Water Awards Banquet. L-R: Martin Suuberg, MassDEP Commissioner; Peter Isbell, Reading Water & Sewer Supervisor; Erik Mysliwy, Reading Water Quality & DPW Safety Admin; David Chiaradonna, Reading Water Working Foreman; Jamie Eulie, Reading Water Skilled Laborer; Chris Cole, Reading DPW Assistant Director; Yvette dePeiza, MassDEP Drinking Water Program Director
Reading, MA — In recognition of National Drinking Water Week, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) announced the recipients of the 2019 Public Water Systems Award during a ceremony held in Devens, MA on May 7th, 2019. Each year, MassDEP honors the state’s many dedicated drinking water professionals, while also acknowledging certain noteworthy accomplishments that involve excellent water service to the public for the year prior.
“The Baker-Polito Administration is proud to recognize drinking water providers across the Commonwealth who share the administration’s commitment to ensuring that residents have access to safe, clean, healthy drinking water,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides in a statement. “Through continued efforts, monitoring, and collaboration, the recipients of the 2019 Public Water Systems awards have demonstrated a high level of commitment to the safety and health of Massachusetts’ residents, and we thank them for their continued dedication and hard work.”
“MassDEP recognizes exceptional performance among our state’s many public water supply systems,” said MassDEP Commissioner Martin Suuberg. “There are many Public Water Systems that do a great job and we have determined that these select systems deserve special recognition and commendation today for their exceptional job and service to the public.”
The Reading Water Department is one of 48 Public Water Systems (PWS) in Massachusetts that were recognized by MassDEP at the 2019 Public Water Systems Awards. Not only do these award-winning PWS need to have complete compliance with all State and Federal drinking water regulations for the calendar year of 2018, but they also must of have had no violations in the past five years. These systems have gone beyond compliance by putting in place safety programs that test for secondary contaminants, continue with operational excellence in system management and maintain adequate water quality, supply and capacity. The Reading Water Department has won this award for Outstanding System Performance for the last three consecutive years and for 2018 it was issued a Consistent Performance Citation in the Beyond Compliance category as well as a citation from the Massachusetts House of Representatives.