Letter: Time to Choose the Best for Reading

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As we approach the upcoming local town elections on April 2, I enthusiastically join the chorus of respected town residents by voicing my support for Carlo Bacci’s election to the Town of Reading Select Board. My association with Carlo spans several years over which I have observed him to be an individual of solid values, personal integrity, and praiseworthy principles. In my interactions with Carlo, I have found him to be an extremely informed, knowledgeable, and active member of our community. As a devoted husband, the father of three wonderful children, and an accomplished business leader, Carlo clearly possesses the interpersonal and management skills to guide our town in the critical decisions residents will face in the months and years ahead.

Recently, I was particularly impressed with the way in which Carlo advocated for the small business owners we have all come to love and appreciate in Reading. Having lived and worked in this town for four decades, I have witnessed firsthand the generosity, kindness, and support Reading business owners have consistently extended to school-wide initiatives, sports teams, and community-based celebrations. Carlo spoke eloquently on their behalf in an effort to maintain their presence and the relationships the town has nurtured over many years. I have complete confidence that Mr. Carlo Bacci will continue to use his business acumen, his budgetary expertise, and his ability to listen and compromise once he is elected to the Reading Select Board. Carlo Bacci has a keen sense of the pulse of Reading – he is one of us; he feels and understands the financial constraints that homeowners, parents, and business owners face every day. I applaud Mr. Bacci for his commitment to ensure that town government lives within its means, and I strongly urge all Reading voters to join me in casting a vote for Carlo Bacci for Select Board Member. 

Most sincerely,

Eileen Litterio B.A., M.A. M.S.Ed

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