Letter: Vote for Vanessa Alvarado

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To the Editor:

I write to express my support for Vanessa Alvarado for Board of Selectmen in the upcoming Town election. 

I’m a long-time Reading resident and I believe, as I think most Reading residents do, that this is one of the best towns in Massachusetts in which to live and raise a family. In part because of the strength and quality of our schools, but more due to the strength and quality of our collective sense of “community”. 

We value Reading’s character and identity, and its feel as the tight-knit, caring, small town community it is. For most of my 30+ years in Reading, I’ve had the utmost confidence and trust in the ability and integrity of our daytime government. And over the years as a member of the Community Planning and Development Commission, the Reading Historical Commission, other committees and as a Town Meeting member for 23 years, I know how much value, faith and trust Reading places in its volunteer “nighttime government”. 

Reading built its solid reputation on the combined strength of and confidence in this foundation; exemplary daytime town government employees collaborating cooperatively and respectfully with the town’s volunteer boards/committees/commissions. 

Our continued success depends on sustaining this relationship. Recently however, I fear for the well being of this partnership; and now, I believe we can do better. For this, and other reasons, I am voting for Vanessa Alvarado for Board of Selectmen. 

I’ve come to know Vanessa as she has served on the Finance Committee for several years, and I’ve met and spoken with her at “meet and greets” in recent months. I know she places the highest value on conducting the Town’s business in an open and transparent manner, and she believes in full collaboration with the Town’s volunteer boards/committees/commissions. 

Vanessa understands how much the decisions of local government affect all residents. Vanessa respects the value of all residents’ opinions, and she recognizes the importance of an ongoing open, collaborative and transparent relationship with the Town’s volunteer boards/committees/commissions and all interested parties. 

I know Vanessa will conduct herself as a Selectman, with full respect for and inclusion of all participants. I’ve listened to Vanessa speak, engaged in discussions with her about many issues of importance to Reading, and I’ve read her written position statements. She will be a tireless and effective leader for Reading, and as a Selectman, a staunch defender of Reading’s character and identity. 

I endorse Vanessa Alvarado for Board of Selectmen and I urge Reading’s residents to vote for her. Vanessa Alvarado will stand and speak with and for you.

Jonathan Barnes

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