Tread, located on Linden Street

Seat Cover Mart, behind Square Liquors
The Community Planning and Development Commission plans to continue its public hearing regarding updates both to Reading’s Sign bylaw and the Accessory Building or Structures bylaw at their meeting on August 22 at 9:00pm. The Sign bylaw needs to be altered to reflect recent federal Supreme Court rulings that stipulate municipalities are no longer allowed to regulate signs based on content. The purpose of the hearing will be to prepare the proposed changes to these bylaws for Town Meeting’s consideration. The Commission expects to vote on the changes in order for them to be included on the warrant for Town Meeting in November.

Artis Senior Living 1100 Main Street
The meeting will start at 7:30pm when the CPDC will have a minor site plan review of the Burger King at 357 Main Street. The restaurant intends to remove the faux Mansard roof, make some interior renovations, and make a few materials and color changes to the building’s façade. They also plan some new landscaping around the site.
The 8:00 hearing will be a proposal from Tread on Linden Street to expand to a second location at 11 High Street, the site of the Seat Cover Mart. At 8:30pm the CPDC will review a sign application by Artis Senior Living for their new location at 1100 Main Street, the site of the former Eric’s Greenhouse.
The CPDC meeting will be at Town Hall and is open to the public. It will be broadcast LIVE on RCTV channel 22 (Comcast) or 33 (Verizon).