CPDC Approves Sign for Dollar Tree The Community Planning and Development Commission (CPDC) voted 4-0 to approve a sign permit for a new Dollar Tree...
South Main Street Repaving Could Last Well Over a Year Town Manager Robert LeLacheur shared with the Select Board that the state expects the South Main Street repaving project...
Town Meeting Concludes Town Meeting concluded its business on May 2 considering eight final articles, including five instructional motions. Article 16, authorizing...
Town Meeting Approves Land Purchases Town Meeting voted on April 29 to authorize the Select Board to acquire, through purchase or gift, three separate...
Alvarado to Chair Select Board Vanessa Alvarado was elected by a vote of 4-0 to be chair of the Select Board at its annual...
Principals Share Updates with School Committee Reading’s elementary principal and middle school principal teams each gave a presentation to the School Committee on Thursday, April...
CPDC Issues Two Permits The Community Planning and Development Commission (CPDC) voted 5-0 to grant a special permit to K9 Top Performance at...
Clerk Releases Official Election Results Town Clerk Laura Gemme has released the official results from the April 2 local election in Reading. As previously...
Landry, Dockser, Robinson, Wise Post Election Wins With a tally of 1,981 votes and 1,470 votes respectively Anne Landry and Mark Dockser were elected to the...
School Committee Updated on Enrollment Study The March 28 School Committee meeting consisted of updates on several ongoing issues. Dale Gienapp of Gienapp Design Architecture...