Author: Kevin Vendt
Planning Department Hosts “Your Downtown” Webinar
Town Meeting Approves Police Station Upgrades
Select Board Sets Tax Classification Rate
Special Town Meeting Completes Business
Town Meeting Agrees to Purchase of Single Grove Street Lot
Select Board Chooses Screening Committee
Town Manager Community Forum Seeks Input
Reading Public Library was the scene for a community forum regarding hiring a new town manager on October 4. The forum, hosted by consultant Bernie Lynch of Community Paradigm, allowed residents to share their opinions regarding the skill sets and qualities they are looking for in a new town manager.
CPDC Continues to Review Downtown Projects
The project engineer for the proposed new development at 18 Woburn Street, Giovanni Fodera, presented evidence about the project’s proposed parking garage to the Community Planning and Development Commission (CPDC) on Monday. The project, a proposed three-story building, would house 2,427 square feet of retail space on the ground floor facing Woburn Street with six apartments spread over the two floors above.
School Committee Review “Reading in Reading”
School Committee chair Thomas Wise presented the School Committee with a proposal from the Special Education Parents Advisory Committee (SEPAC) that the School Committee establish a “Reading in Reading Advisory Committee.” This group would seek to enhance literacy instruction by studying the issues involved, then offer suggestions to the administration and School Committee. Wise noted that as the SEPAC looked at the issue, it determined that literacy issues are “not just a Special Education topic.