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To the Editor:
After watching the Select Board debate sponsored by RCTV, I found myself wondering if I had just viewed three adults discussing substantive issues concerning our town, or just one.
Mr. Bacci and Ms. Murphy spent so much time sharing their questionable judgments of Ms. Herrick’s behavior, as opposed to her policies, that I came away with no strong sense of where either of them stood on many issues.
In his closing statements, Mr. Bacci did not make one comment about any program or initiative that he would like to see come to fruition in Reading. Ms. Murphy, in her closing statement, shared that her biggest concern and the catalyst for her campaign was what she has perceived as the lack of respectful communication from the Board to other entities in town, complaining that she had been blocked on social media by Ms. Herrick. All this after she had remarked in her opening statement that one of her goals, if elected to the Select Board, was to work to unite Reading rather than further divide it. Oh please.
I am not interested in supporting a candidate who speaks falsely, i.e., Mr. Bacci, when he claims that Ms. Herrick “eviscerated” Mr. Carl McFadden at a Select Board meeting last fall. I am not interested in voting for candidates whose primary focus is personal animus, e.g., Ms. Murphy. Nor am I interested in voting for candidates who bring no fresh ideas to the table.
The one adult I will vote for in our upcoming town election is Karen Herrick, who, during the debate, focused on the issues, detailed her accomplishments, and specified her priorities for the future. Karen has worked tirelessly in her first term on the Select Board to bring new opportunities and programs to Reading. She has the leadership skills, the energy, and the vision to make Reading even better.
Mary Ellen O’Neill
Summer Avenue