Lynnfield Historical Society Hosts Pleasure Island Presentation

The Lynnfield Historical Society invites you to join us for another extremely local free history presentation Tuesday, Nov 15 at 7PM at Centre Congregational Church, 5 Summer Street Lynnfield.

Did you know we had our very own Disney World knockoff right here in Reedy meadow? Pleasure Island was a world-class Adventure Park from 1959 to 1969, attracting many of the Great entertainment Acts of the day. Billed as Boston’s answer to Disneyland, Pleasure Island drew thousands to enjoy its 80 acres of amusements, including a boat trip to Pirate Cove, a dizzying ride in the Slanty Shanty, and special visits by celebrities like Boomtown’s Rex Trailer.

Author and theme park historian Robert McClaughlin will present a lecture and slideshow about Pleasure Island, a 1960s amusement park once located on the Wakefield Lynnfield line. I’ve got photos of 1-year-old me with my grandma enjoying a day there with our family. Won’t you come down and reminisce with us, and maybe share some of your own memories? Ron Sarro – President Lynnfield Historical Society