Reading, MA — The Select Board presented a resolution honoring long-time resident Sally Hoyt on the occasion of her one-hundredth birthday at its meeting on Tuesday. Former Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner added his thoughts through an email, “I wanted to add my congratulations to Sally on this occasion and to wish her a long and fruitful life. As Reading’s first Town Manager, I worked with Sally when she was a member of the Conservation Commission, a Constable, a member of the Board of Selectmen, and later a member of the Council on Aging. She stands out for her volunteer efforts in a community known for its outstanding volunteers. Congratulations on your 100th birthday, Sally, and best wishes for many more.”
sallyhoyt-birthday-resolutionSelect Board member Chris Haley shared that he had had an opportunity to speak to Hoyt at the Pleasant Street Center last week and asked her if she had advice for him as a new member of the board, and she said, “Just listen.”