READING — Chief David Clark is pleased to announce that a team of assessors from the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission (MPAC) is scheduled to arrive in late May to begin examining various aspects of the Reading Police Department’s policies, procedures, operations, and facilities.

From May 24-26, Reading Police will undergo verification by the Assessment Team to ensure the Department meets MPAC’s standards as part of the voluntary process to gain or retain state Accreditation – a self-initiated evaluation process by which police departments strive to meet and maintain standards that have been established for the profession, by the profession.
MPAC awards accreditation to agencies that meet its 257 mandatory standards, as well as 125 optional standards. In order to achieve accreditation status, the Department must meet all applicable mandatory standards as well as a percentage of the optional standards. The Reading Police Department has been fully accredited by MPAC since 2013, and takes part in the re-accreditation process every three years.
“Our department is very excited to renew its accreditation, which serves as a tangible showcase of our commitment to service, professionalism and attaining the highest possible standards for the benefit of our entire community,” said Chief Clark.
Achieving Accreditation is a highly prized recognition of law enforcement professional excellence. Anyone interested in learning more about this program is invited to call Chief Clark or the Department’s Accreditation Manager Lt. Chris Jones at 781-944-1212.
“The accreditation process is rigorous and requires that all of our members be engaged and invested in ensuring we are upholding these standards in our daily work,” Lt. Jones said.