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I would like to offer my support to John Stempeck for the RMLD Board of Commissioners. I have had the pleasure of working with John and the other RMLD Board members over the last year. My experience on the Board has allowed me to understand how John operates and his dedication to Reading.
As the chair of the RMLD Board John has moved RMLD policies forward. There are many issues that the Board has addressed over the past year. The very debate intensive topic of biomass was brought forward. John brought in outside voices from concerned local citizens and groups regarding this topic. John took the time to arrange for a series of educational sessions, one including Commissioner Woodcock from the DOER, on the topic. The ethics and economics were dutifully analyzed. John handled the months long process by listening, educating then bringing the topic to an informed vote. That is the definition of leadership and that is what John provides as a Board member.
There was also discussion regarding energy Policy 30 for the future at RMLD. The biomass discussion spurred a revisit to an existing process on securing energy contracts. The policy was reviewed during Board meetings so the public and RMLD Board members could fully understand how the process for securing contracts was working. The same process of listening, educating and then making an informed vote was followed. Subsequently Policy 30 was updated so long term energy contracts will now be reviewed with the Board before being executed.
I would kindly ask for your vote for John to continue providing solid leadership as a RMLD Board member.
Robert Coulter
RMLD Board Member