LTE: A Vote for Geoffrey Coram is a Vote for all Reading Students

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It is with deep respect and a mixture of a wide variety of volunteer experiences working alongside Geoffrey Coram that we humbly ask our community to elect Geoffrey to serve as a member of our School Committee on April 6, 2021.

As parents of children who access both general and special education, we recognize the value of Geoffrey’s focus on the health of district spending to support the learning needs of all students. Geoffrey faces difficult topics and conversations in a calm and steady manner and listens carefully. These qualities are an asset for understanding the complexities of the district.

Geoffrey has stepped up in times of need, and demonstrated perseverance, most notably in taking on the critical role of treasurer in both the 2016 and 2018 Yes for Reading campaigns. Geoffrey’s quiet tenacity and common sense was invaluable to the committee. He played a major role in securing the support of the community and passage of an override which provided funding for our schools and municipal partners.

Geoffrey continues to be candid about the importance of Reading’s support for teachers, administrators and student programs that enhance both general and special education academics, social and emotional, art, athletic, band and drama opportunities. It was of no surprise to us when Geoffrey shared his “most significant action during my tenure on School Committee was a vote to ratify the selection of Dr. Jennifer Stys, as Director of Student Services”. As an interim School Committee member he joined a delegation that met with Reading’s state representatives to convey that Reading supports the METCO program.

As our district welcomes a new Superintendent, Mr. Milaschewski, and other incoming district leaders, we are confident Geoffrey is the right choice.

Please join us in casting your vote for Geoffrey Coram for School Committee on Tuesday, April 6th!


Kate Goldlust
Spruce Road
Michele Sanphy
Glenmere Circle