Reading, MA — The Town of Reading continues to make progress updating the 2013 Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP). Summaries of the public workshop held on February 1, 2021, and the community survey are available on the project website. Please take a moment to review these summaries to understand what your neighbors had to say about their experiences at Reading’s open space and recreational areas as well as their perspectives on what the Town is doing well to enhance and maintain the benefits of these resources, areas for improvement, and new ideas to meet changing needs.
It is very important that there is public input into this process. Capturing the concerns, needs, and new ideas of residents helps the Town craft a better plan. These summaries will be used to outline needed community facilities and resources as well as potential policy revisions for enhanced environmental protection where appropriate. A draft action plan will be prepared, and a second public meeting will be held to get community feedback. It is anticipated that this meeting will be held in the spring.
The OSRP is a tool the Town uses to maintain the benefits of open space and recreational resources and help make important decisions about future open space and recreation opportunities. The plan must be current and have state approval in order for the Town to remain eligible for state grant and reimbursement programs, which can be used for such projects as creating new parks or acquiring lands with critical habitat.
If you have any questions or would like additional information about the Reading OSRP or the update process, please contact Chuck Tirone Conservation Administrator at ctirone@ci.reading.ma.us.