Letter: We will proudly be supporting Chuck Robinson

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We will proudly be supporting Chuck Robinson for another 3-year term on the School Committee on April 2, 2019.

Chuck has earned the respect and trust of many people in Reading during his nine years of service on the Finance Committee and past twelve years of service on the School Committee. We were fortunate to meet and work collaboratively with Chuck during both the 2016 and 2018 override campaigns. Chuck was the Chair of the School Committee during the 2018 override campaign. His leadership was comprised of a calm demeanor and a strong interest in listening to all stakeholders and questions to facilitate making the best and most informed decisions for the Reading Public Schools with transparency. Throughout a long and extraordinarily complex budget cycle, Chuck attended many lengthy public meetings with the Select Board, Finance Committee and his School Committee colleagues. And in his personal time, he helped to educate our community about the need to pass an operational override by reaching out to his friends and neighbors, holding signs, attending informational meet and greets, and generously answering questions and listening to the concerns of the people in our town. Chuck understood the uncertainty that some voters were feeling. He knew how important it was to reach as many residents as possible because he cared deeply about what the Reading community was at risk of losing. He even organized the School Committee members in publicly endorsing the need for an override by taping a message at RCTV Studios. Chuck is consistently committed to sustainability and accountability.

The passage of the override was an amazing community effort and expression of love for our town. This was made possible by the Select Board, Finance Committee, and School Committee members working collaboratively with the resident-led Yes for Reading, and we are forever grateful to have had Chuck’s leadership and support during that time. We have confidence that Chuck will maintain the trust he has earned by continuing to think outside of the box and ask thoughtful questions. Chuck will work hard to ensure that the override dollars continue to be spent prudently and that the school budget is sustainable for years to come. Students, teachers, parents, and residents have only to benefit by the sound judgment, experience, and care that Chuck will continue to bring to the School Committee as the Reading Public Schools move forward.

We hope you will join us to re-elect Chuck Robinson on April 2, 2019.


Erin Gaffen and Michele Sanphy, former co-chairs of Yes for Reading

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