Election 2019: RMLD Candidate Phil Pacino

Why I am Running for Re-Election

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To the voters of Reading

First, with gratitude and thanks to those who voted for me in the past and allowed me to serve, I announce that I am a candidate for re-election to the Reading Municipal Light Board. Even though I have no opposition I felt I should still make a statement.

In my 32 years of service to the citizens and ratepayers of the Reading Municipal Light Department, I have been dedicated to meeting and solving the challenges faced by the department and its ratepayers. At the same time, I have gained very valuable experience in all utility affairs. I have and will continue to use this institutional knowledge and experience in the best way to solve the challenges the department faces to the benefit of all concerned. This experience continues to be needed as the department moves forward.

In seeking re-election, I first look back with pride on the accomplishments and experiences of the last 32 years that I was involved during my tenure on the Board. In many of those years, I served as its Chair.

The Board’s biggest accomplishments continue to be:

  1. The rates that it charges its ratepayers, and
  2. The reliability of the RMLD system.

The RMLD has some of the lowest rates in the entire State and has maintained a system that has had few outages during storms. This is a benefit that Reading and the other Towns in the district should be able to use to help spur economic development. This is a result of both the power supply and the reliability planning directions put forth by the Board during my tenure.

Another major accomplishment during my tenure that I was directly involved in the resolution of the RMLD’s differences with the Town of Wilmington and the resultant settlement agreement. I was one of the architects of that agreement. The settlement agreement resulted in the 20-year agreement that the RMLD now has with the towns of Reading, Wilmington, North Reading, and Lynnfield. The 20-year agreement put in place the Citizen Advisory Board, whose intent was to give a voice to the ratepayers in all the towns, allows payments to all the towns, and settles other issues. The agreement has stood the test of time with it being renewed by all four towns twice and is in operation to this present day. I am proud and thankful that for over 30 years from its inception, this agreement is still proving to be functional and beneficial to all four towns and the RMLD ratepayers.

Other accomplishments during my tenure are numerous. But in the more recent periods, accomplishments have been centered around the acquisition and construction of the North Reading substation plus the peaking station constructed last year on that site, the programs to move toward renewable energy and working with the Reading Select Board to facilitate an agreement on the annual payment in lieu of tax.

I seek reelection because I believe there are present challenges that the Department and the Board will face. I feel that my experience is needed just as much now as in the past to meet these challenges.

  1. The RMLD in the next two year anticipates decreasing kilowatt sales. The decreasing kilowatt sales is a result of technology changes that evolve every day and conservation. Decreased kilowatt sales will result in decreased operating funds to maintain the reliability of the system. The next two to three years will be full of changes and will be a challenging period for the RMLD. I believe that my experience and leadership are needed to successfully help the RMLD navigate thru this challenging period.
  2. The 20-year agreement referred to previously will be up for renewal next year. All four Towns in the system will be voting to either renew the agreement for an additional ten years or to withdraw from the system. Withdrawal by any of the outside Towns in the system will produce no winners as Reading ratepayers will see increased rates. As 1 of the architects of that agreement I believe it is important that I continue to work toward renewal by all four Town to protect the interest of all ratepayers.
  3. The Board is committed to assisting in economic development in the four Towns. Economic development will help alleviate the potential issue of decreasing kilowatt sales in addition to helping the tax base in each Town. As a member of the Board, I pledge to help foster that development in Reading and in the other three Towns.
  4. The Board has in place a Sustainable Energy Policy. The policy is designed to transition the RMLD power supply portfolio toward specific sustainable resource targets of 20% by June 2020 and 25% by 2025. I pledge to strive to see that the RMLD meets those goals.

My business background is that I am a Certified Public Accountant with my own financial and tax accounting firm. Additionally, I am Chair of the Accounting and Auditing Committee of the Massachusetts Society of CPAs.

My experience in municipal government as Chair of the RMLD at various times, as a past Chair of the Finance Committee, as a past Chair of the Bylaw Committee, as a member of the Town Meeting as well as my business background has and will continue to help me meet the challenges of the Light Board.

Thank you for allowing me to serve the ratepayers of the RMLD for 32-years. I ask for your vote to re-elect me to the RMLD Board on Election Day on April 2, in order to continue my service to the Town of Reading, its citizens, and the RMLD ratepayers.

Philip B. Pacino
Candidate for reelection, RMLD

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