Senator Jason Lewis (3rd from left) receives a Ranked Choice Voting coffee mug from members and volunteers from Voter Choice MA
An information Meeting to be held on Ranked Choice Voting On March 27, representatives of the non-profit Voter Choice MA will host an informational meeting at the Reading Public Library beginning at 7:00 PM in Community Room A and B on the lower level. The meeting will be open to the public.
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is a proposed change to the way voters cast their ballots and how the ballots are counted. With this change, voters would be able to cast their vote for more than one candidate for each office in their order of preference. This is the same system of voting that was successfully implemented in Maine last year for their Congressional Representative.
Voter Choice MA has filed legislation with the Massachusetts Senate and House to implement RCV for all State and Federal elections except for the US President.
Residents are invited to attend this informational meeting where a representative of Voter Choice MA will give a presentation on how Ranked Choice Voting works. There will be a question and answer session after the presentation.