Bar Stool Pitches and Entrepreneurs

Have you ever wondered where the next big idea will come from? Or what new business will open up in Reading? Answers to those questions were percolating at the Reading Public Library (RPL) Innovation Studio last month when four entrepreneurs shared their Bar Stool Pitch to a supportive group of fellow entrepreneurs. Bar Stool Pitches by design gives entrepreneurs a way to share a quick synopsis of their background, business idea, and roadblocks and get immediate feedback and support from other entrepreneurs.

Bar Stool Pitches are a quarterly component of the newly formed Entrepreneur Series. This series offered by RPL, in conjunction with Krosslink, is designed to welcome, engage, and nurture entrepreneurs through networking, presentations and mentoring. The next session on March 6 is Get in the Know – Resources for Entrepreneurs where representatives from RPL and SCORE will share resources for entrepreneurs including business plan guides and online industry research.

Interested in being a part of this growing group of local entrepreneurs? Simply register, or signup online at or through our Meetup group: Krosslink @ Reading – MA Library. Monthly meetings are on the first Monday of the month (with the exception of holidays) starting with networking at 6:30. Refreshments will be served.

Next Bar Stool Pitch: June 5

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