CPDC Approves Minor Site Plans for Three Local Businesses

cpdc 82316At their meeting on August 22, the Community Planning and Development Commission reviewed minor site plans for two Reading businesses, Burger King and Tread on the Mill, and a sign plan review for Artis Senior Living. All three unanimously passed this level of review.

burgerking16Burger King, located at 357 Main Street, seeks to update their interior and exterior look. They also plan to change their facade and make landscaping improvements. There was some discussion among the Commission members about the lighting plan but the members recognized that fixtures would remain in the same places as they are currently, and that abutters were also commercial businesses.

Tread on the Mill, a small fitness center located at 6 Linden Street, seeks to add a new location at 11 High Street, the site of the former Seat Cover Mart. They plan to make aesthetic and security improvements to the building as well as adapt the interior to better serve their business needs.

Seat Cover MartArtis Senior Living, on the site of the former Eric’s Greenhouse at 1100 Main Street, presented their signage plans. Concerns were expressed about the abutters’ line-of-sight while exiting the driveway directly next to the proposed sign position and the review concluded with a finding that the plans for sign placement must to adhere to the twelve-foot setback requirement. With that note, the plan passed review.

Artis Senior LivingThe CPDC spent the remainder of their meeting discussing language for proposed signage and accessory structure bylaw amendments. The Board voted 4-0 to send the accessory structure amendments to Town Meeting for their approval.

The entire meeting can be seen on RCTV’s Youtube channel.


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