Northeast Metro Tech Invited Into MSBA’s Feasibility Study Phase for New Building Project Superintendent David DiBarri is pleased to announce that the Massachusetts School Building Authority invited Northeast Metro Tech to participate...
Principals Share Updates with School Committee Reading’s elementary principal and middle school principal teams each gave a presentation to the School Committee on Thursday, April...
School Committee Updated on Enrollment Study The March 28 School Committee meeting consisted of updates on several ongoing issues. Dale Gienapp of Gienapp Design Architecture...
Northeast Metro Tech Metal Fabrication Students Build Gear Rack for Reading Fire Department Northeast Metro Tech metal fabrication students partnered with the Reading Fire Department this winter to create a custom gear...
Coram Appointed to School Committee Four-time budget parent Geoffrey Coram was appointed by a joint session of the Select Board and School Committee to...
Doherty Updates Kindergarten Placement Plans Superintendent of Schools John Doherty presented his revised 2019-2020 school year kindergarten plan to the School Committee at its...
School Committee Approves $46.4 Million FY2020 Budget The School Committee voted 5-0 to approve a $46,467,348 budget for Fiscal Year 2020. This is a 3.6% increase...
Chamber Donates to the Entrepreneurial Course at RMHS The Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce donated $500 from its Golf Tournament to the Entrepreneurial Course at Reading Memorial...
Non-Northeast Metro Tech Students Invited to Attend Free Exploratory Program Northeast Metro Tech is once again opening its doors to non-vocational high school students interested in learning more about...
Volunteer Sought for School Committee Vacancy With the recent resignation of Sherri VandenAkker from the School Committee, the Select Board is seeking an individual to...