LtE: In Support of Matt Kraunelis for Town Manager

The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post.

I am writing today to express my support for Matt Kraunelis as Reading’s next Town Manager. 

I’ve applied for consideration to the Town Manager selection committee twice now, to no avail. I am compelled to briefly share the logic behind my endorsement of Matt through the lens of my over 20 years of experience in recruitment and talent strategy. 

Fidel Maltez was hired with no prior experience in our community. He was hired from Chelsea, a community that he served for nearly five years, only to have left to serve Reading for two years before returning to Chelsea, the community he was familiar with. 

Bob LeLacheur, who provided Reading with over 16 years of continued service as Town Manager, started out as Assistant Town Manager before he was promoted to Town Manager here in Reading. He was able to build experience in our community and demonstrate his commitment to our town. 

The Select Board voted 5-0 to appoint Matt Kraunelis as Acting Town Manager. He has served Reading faithfully for almost 11 years including in the capacity of Assistant Town Manager. It is only logical to honor and consider his commitment to Reading and his familiarity with our community, and provide him the opportunity to step into the Town Manager role. 

Town Government is in need of stability. Matt Kraunelis would be the best choice to provide that. 

Thank you,

Nancy Tawadros

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