LtE: 8 Million Dollar Lie

The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post.

Last night at the RCTV forum, it was asked of Karen Herrick how she secured (herself) 8 million dollar grants as stated on her political mailer. She didn’t answer. She told us the LIST of grants that the 8 million dollars was for. She told us that SHE stands in a community garden and she spends time reaching out to our local representatives… and how the rest of the board needs to maybe engage with those representatives. I didn’t hear HOW she herself secured the 8 million dollars (spoiler, she didn’t). We should probably acknowledge the town staff and our delegates that did the hard work that Ms. Herrick had the nerve to take credit for.   

There is no “I” in the Select Board, but don’t tell Ms. Herrick that. 

Alicia Williams

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