Reading, MA — Monday, July 18, marked the beginning of the official work of the Killam School Building Committee (KSBC). This next step in the process of securing Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) funding for a proposed replacement for the Killam Elementary School created a group that will guide the process to completion. The committee is made up of nine members. Five are from the Permanent Building Committee, Greg Stepler, John Coote, Kirk McCormick, Patrick Tompkins, and Nancy Twomey. Two members, Sarah McLaughlin and Carla Nazzaro represent the School Committee. There is one Select Board member, Karen Herrick, on the committee. The final KSBC member, Town Treasurer Endri Kume, represents town staff.

The only order of business for the new committee was to select a chair and vice chair for the coming year. After discussion on the role and expectations for the chair, Nazzaro nominated Tompkins, who was elected to the position by a 9-0 vote. Nazzaro was then nominated as vice-chair by Twomey. By a 9-0 vote, Nazzaro was also elected.
Town Manager Fidel Maltez updated the committee on what parts of the process for MSBA reimbursement have occurred already, including the establishment of the KSBC, the election of a chair and vice chair, and a signed agreement with the MSBA. In the coming months, Director of Facilities Joe Huggins will complete a maintenance and capital planning survey for the MSBA, and the school district will finalize and submit an enrollment study.

Maltez also shared that the committee will need to work on preparing to ask for a $2.2 million appropriation from Town Meeting for a feasibility study and a basic design. Maltez indicated that this amount would be appropriated from the town’s free cash reserves. This appropriation must be made by February of 2023 to advance to the next stage of the MSBA reimbursement process and is expected to be on the November Town Meeting warrant. Maltez also indicated that this appropriation would be part of what was reimbursable by the MSBA at the rate agreed upon when MSBA approval is established.
The Killam School Building Committee agreed to meet monthly on the third Monday of each month though it will hold its next meeting on August 22 at 6:00pm. The KSBC adjourned at 6:35 pm.