Celebrating Our 61st year on May 6th, and 7th

The Reading Art Association Spring Show returns this May with artwork of over 90 artist members representing surrounding towns and cities. The show will be held at the Congregational Church, Woburn Street in Reading on Friday, May 6, from 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm, and Saturday, May 7 from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Entrance to Guild Hall where the art show is held is the middle side door on Sanborn Street. The presentation of awards is at 8:30 on Friday night.
A painting has been donated for the drawing. Tickets are available to be purchased for a $1 ticket. The winning ticket will be drawn on Saturday afternoon and the winner does not need to be present Saturday to win the painting.

Original works of art, mini-art, and unframed art will be on display and able to be purchased during the weekend.
The Reading Art Association was founded in 1958 to foster the arts in Reading, Massachusetts. For more info on the association, go to readingart.org. We are looking forward to celebrating our 61st year so please come and join us in this happy occasion. This promises to be a wonderful show and a great way to spend some time over the spring weekend.