LtE: Mark Dockser: Three Years of Listening and Ready for Three More

The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post.

Dear Editor and Citizens of Reading:

I am going to vote for my husband, Mark Dockser, for Select Board on Tuesday, April 5. I hope you will too. The crux of the matter is that we need leaders who will listen and hear; who will reflect and take hard stances; who will consider possibilities and long-term implications. We need leaders who will reach across barriers of political parties, disagreement, and put their heart and soul into ending the polarization and partisanship rampant in our community and beyond. We need my husband, Mark Dockser, for another three years as Select Board Member in Reading.

We have raised three children who have graduated from the Reading Public Schools and we have been thankful every moment for our staff, neighbors, coaches, and fellow volunteers who have surrounded and supported them on their journey. We know none of us can do this alone. We have worked alongside devoted administration, staff, and volunteers and know that it takes all of us to help our community thrive. This led Mark to the Select Board three years ago and he needs your vote to continue!

I have watched as Mark has poured over packets, woven coffee dates and meetings into his schedule, and fielded phone calls at all hours in order to learn and participate in debates about what is necessary to make solid decisions on behalf of the citizens of Reading. I have witnessed his concern for all parties involved and felt the investment he puts into every decision he has made. Whether it was the water/ cell tower, budget, pandemic safety and relief funds, or the Town Manager’s Bonus, Mark has used his experience from his different volunteer and leadership roles in our town to make the best decisions he thinks are possible, despite the pressure to join any cohorts with a narrow agenda. 

Mark’s understanding of Reading’s financial status is informed by his many years of experience as a member and chair of the Finance Committee, as well as his professional experience in business and entrepreneurship. He is informed about the ongoing needs of Reading’s business owners as well as our multi-generational and increasingly diverse citizens through 20+ years of collaboration on many different committees including the ones focused on the Early Childhood Center Investigation, Economic Development, Reading’s Center for Active Living, Public Safety, Council on Aging, and the Coalition for Prevention and Support (RCASA). Mark works for EVERYONE in our town and that has also been evident over the last three years of his service on the Select Board.

Mark’s internal compass, his experience with the finances of our town, his creative thinking, and his demonstrated investment in meeting the needs of everyone in our community is the right fit for Reading going forward. Please join me in voting for Mark Dockser for Select Board on Tuesday, April 5 between 7 am and 8 pm. Regardless of who you vote for, please VOTE!

With Appreciation,

Linda Snow Dockser
Beaver Road

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