The election cycle for the April 5, 2022 local election is underway, and Town Clerk Laura Gemme has released a list of potential candidates who have pulled nomination papers for the various available town-wide positions that will be on the ballot this year. Nomination papers for town-wide offices require fifty signatures and need to be returned to the clerk by February 15. The last day candidates may pull nomination papers is February 13.

Three persons have pulled nomination papers for the two available seats on the Select Board. Incumbent Mark Dockser of Beaver Road, Nancy Tawadros of Libby Avenue, and Jacqueline McCarthy of Beacon Street have all pulled their papers as of January 11. At this time, incumbent Anne Landry has not pulled nomination papers for reelection. Also, as of January 11, only Tawadros has returned those nomination papers to the Town Clerk’s office for certification.
Two persons have pulled nomination papers for the two available seats on the School Committee, incumbent and current School Committee chair Thomas Wise of South Street and former short-term School Committee member Geoffrey Coram of Ridge Road. As of January 11, long-term incumbent Charles Robinson has not yet pulled nomination papers.
Only one person, incumbent Philip Pacino of Washington Street, has pulled nomination papers for the two available seats on the Reading Municipal Light Department Board of Commissioners, and only one person, incumbent Cherrie Dubois of Meadow Brook Lane, has pulled nomination papers for the two open seats on the Board of Library Trustees. Incumbent Alan Foulds has pulled nomination papers for a one-year term as Moderator.
As of January 11, 100 persons had pulled nomination papers to be members of Town Meeting. All 192 seats in Town Meeting are up for election on April 5 due to precincts being adjusted based upon the decennial census. These nomination papers only require ten signatures, though all ten must be from registered voters in a candidate’s precinct. These nomination papers must also be returned to the clerk’s office by February 15.
The last day that residents may register to vote in time for the April 5 election is March 16. Continue to check The Reading Post for full coverage of Reading’s local election of 2022.