Join the Reading Public Library for an outdoor concert with Portrait In Jazz on October 7 at 5:00 pm

Reading, MA— On Thursday, October 7, grab a chair or blanket and head over to the Reading Public Library for an evening of music with our friends, Portrait In Jazz!
Portrait In Jazz’s performances at the Reading Public Library have been patron (and staff) favorites – this concert will feature a selection of time-honored jazz classics along with a couple of originals.
Portrait In Jazz is a dynamic, original jazz band committed to creating exciting and meaningful original jazz music with over fifty originals in their book and literally hundreds of jazz standards in their repertoire. The band features – Ashley Kamal: vocals, Gary Bohan: Flugelhorn, Chris Hildebrand: sax, Bob Abruzese: bass, Grant Smith: drums and Brad Ellenberg: guitar.
“Brad Ellenberg and his assembled team of multi-talented musicians have sure earned their chops. They’re great composers, arrangers and players who blend the best in traditional jazz with the kind of innovation that makes listening a real pleasure!”- Jordan Rich: WBZ Radio Boston
This event is generously sponsored by The Friends of The Reading Public Library.
Register for this event today, space is limited! For more information on Portrait In Jazz visit:
The Reading Public Library asks that unvaccinated patrons continue to wear masks during outdoor library events when they can’t socially distance. Masks are required for all patrons during Children’s programming for the safety of our youngest patrons who are ineligible for vaccination. Children 2 and under are exempt from face-covering requirements. Please stay home if you’ve been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive or been diagnosed with COVID 19 in the past 14 days or are experiencing any of the following new symptoms as listed on the state’s website.
The Reading Public Library is committed to evolving together to strengthen communication, equity, collaboration, and learning in our community. Our mission is to be a center and resource for learning and civic engagement. We provide a place and platform of, by, and for the people who can benefit as individuals as well as contribute to the well-being of the community. We work to achieve these goals and commitments by focusing on education, equity, accountability, and access.