LTE: Volunteers Are Priceless!

The Reading Post accepts Letters to the Editor. All letters must be signed. The Reading Post reserves the right to edit or not publish any letters received. Letters do not represent the views or opinions of the Post.

Dear Editor,

This is just a quick note to express appreciation to all of those volunteers, staff, and donors who make our community of Reading a great place to live.  Many of these volunteers, staff and donors are invisible to the general public, but their impact is felt nonetheless. Last weekend’s Town Fair, Porchfest, and September 11th Memorial Commemoration are just a few wonderful examples.

David Maroney’s Spotlight Articles and photographs in the Reading Daily Times Chronicle highlight many who are helping behind the scenes.  His approach is priceless enabling both an inside and external perspective on their work.  We have so many people doing so much for others here in Reading… Thank you, David, for your hard work making them visible!

Recently, our family benefited from a Lamp Repair program of the Senior Center.  The staff were wonderful and enthusiastic about what they are able to provide for those of us aging in our town.  This Lamp Repair program is possible due to a volunteer named Biff (Randolph) Kazazian.  Biff learned from his dad that if you have a skill, then it is best to share that skill with your community, so he does just that!  You can read about him in the January 2021 Pleasantries Newsletter for Adults 60+.  Biff fixed three of my family heirloom lamps that will now not only shed light in my home but also on our memories.  Thank you so much, Biff and Senior Center staff and volunteers who do so much for our community!

Over the years, town businesses have supported volunteer work that I have been engaged in. Simm’s Jewelers has helped with the UUCR Kris Kringle Fair; Anthony’s Roast Beef and Pizza have provided meals for training days of the RMHS ‘A World of Difference’ Groups; Reading Cooperative Bank has provided waters for Friends of Reading METCO Programs;  Market Basket has donated gift cards; Freedom Donuts has donated allergy-free breakfast; while Honey Dew Donuts at the Rotary has provided coffee and donuts for the MLK Day celebration for years.  Eastern Bank Foundation and Kohls have provided funding for Dr. Martin Luther King Day and other Diversity Programs. Whitelam Books has provided access to diversity books for our schools as well as programming for our hearts and minds. Elyse Jewelers has provided sponsorship for RMHS music and drama programs – AND THESE ARE ONLY SOME OF THE GENEROUS COMMUNITY DONORS, that I know about off the ‘tip of my keyboard’… 

Thank you ALL for your gifts to our town!

With Appreciation,

Linda Snow Dockser
Reading, MA

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