Reading, MA — Our Town Election is April 6, 2021, coming up fast. Today March 17, 2021, is the last day to register to vote for this election. Someone will be in the Town Clerk’s office to help register voters until 8:00 PM. Arrive at Town Hall and give us a call at 781-942-9050 and we will meet you at the door.
Polls will be open at the High School Field House Tuesday, April 6, 2021, from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. You can vote in person, you can do Vote-by-Mail or you can vote via Absentee Ballot.
To Vote-by-Mail please send an application or written request with a signature to the Town Clerk’s office and we will mail you a ballot. Applications can be submitted via mail, e-mail, or the town box at Town Hall. Ballots can be submitted via mail or the town box at Town Hall. Ballots must be received by 8:00 PM on April 6, 2021. Applications for Vote-by-Mail can be found at https://www.readingma.gov/administrative-services/elections. The deadline to request a ballot to be mailed is March 31, 2021, at 5:00 PM.
Call the Town Clerk’s office with any questions at 781-942-9050
Or email TownClerk@ci.reading.ma.us