Letter: Town Election Thank Yous and Hopes

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To the Editor:

A big thank you is due to Town Clerk, Laura Gemme, and her staff for successfully conducting a complex and challenging town election that saw a huge turnout. We should also thank the poll workers for a great job and a very long day, as well as the volunteers who helped process the mail-in and early ballots.

Thank you to all the town residents who voted in unprecedented numbers in this town election – roughly 50% of eligible voters. Democracy is not a spectator sport and it behooves all of us to be informed and to participate.

I hope this election can mark an end to, or at least a beginning to the end of, the recent divisiveness and partisanship that has not historically been part of Reading politics. I hope the personal attacks, which at times rose to the level of threats and harassment, will end. None of this is conducive to effective town government or to being a community where all residents can be – and should be – comfortable and able to enjoy life, which is what I believe Reading purports and aspires to be.


John Lippitt
Mineral St.

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