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To the Editor –
Shame on the Massachusetts Senate. Shame on Senator Jason Lewis. In response to fierce pressure from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Ayannah Pressley, and a well-known Marxist organization that professes open hatred for our police, at 4 am this morning the State Senate rammed through the “Police Reform” bill, one which removes qualified immunity from police officers, firefighters, nurses, and other first responders including the lifeguard at your child’s swimming pool. See:
If enacted into law, many of the first responders we rely on every day for our safety and well being will now risk being financially ruined by someone who sues them for simply doing their job. Guess who will NOT lose their qualified immunity: our lawmakers and the Governor! Great times are coming for criminals and tort attorneys.
I am astounded that so-called rational adults in the MA Senate would vote to enact such a bill, and with NO public hearings. This is now the time for all who care about the well being of our communities to speak up and call out these spineless politicians. Sen. Lewis, I remind you that I and many other Reading voters sent you pointed emails objecting to the process followed for enacting this legislation. Yet you chose to ignore all of them and plow ahead with your vote in the dead of night.
Now the fight turns to the House where the bill will be debated. Be aware that the legislative clock is running, with less that three weeks left in the legislative season. Contact your two state representatives at once (Brad Jones at Bradley.Jones@mahouse.gov) and Richard Haggerty at Richard.haggerty@mahouse.gov) and urge them to strip this qualified immunity provision out of the legislation. Do not rely on the Governor to veto a bad bill – he has shown no inclination to do so.
Dan Ensminger
Oakland Road