Letter: Re-Elect Andrew Friedmann

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Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I am proud to be supporting Andrew Friedmann for his reelection to the Select Board of Reading. I am grateful to him for his hard work for our community – on the Board of Health and now on the Select Board. I am grateful that he is honest, a team player embraces transparency, and wants what is best for all of Reading.

In his three years in office, I have marveled at his perseverance to bring more transparency to our local government; his willingness to champion the human rights advisory council when it was about to be “sunsetted” by the previous board; his hard work on bringing community members back into economic development issues in our town, and his push to address the natural gas leaks, which are costing us our health, wealth and the life of many of our street trees. Looking forward, I am most excited that he will actively encourage Reading to push for greater uses of renewable energy and sustainable practices in our town government.

Local governments can, and should, be nimble and should be working hard to reverse the effects of climate change. I believe Andrew will put his tremendous focus and energy to good use in that direction. I am proud to be his supporter and his friend. I hope you will consider a vote to reelect Andrew Friedmann on March 3.    


Demetra Tseckares
Oak Street

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