Letter: Friedmann Apology to Reading Police

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A number of residents are upset, and rightly so, by my comment last night to the officers in attendance at the Select Board meeting. I deeply regret my statement and recognize it was wrong. It was one of those comments, made in the heat of the moment, that I wish I could take back.

In addition to the members of the RPD, I also wish to apologize to the residents of Reading for my poor judgment. My comments do not reflect the Select Board member I have been or wish to be, and I will strive to be better. Thank you to everyone who has raised their concerns, anger, and disappointment.

A vocal community is an engaged community, and I honestly appreciate the feedback. I support the recent comments of the Select Board chair and hope that this incident does not damage the relationship between the Board and the RPD as we look to continue to support and serve our community. Earlier today, I reached to Deputy Police Chief Clark, apologized to him and have asked him to distribute my words to the rest of Readings police force.

Andy Friedmann

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