Rep Haggerty Announces Upcoming Veteran Events

Reading, MA – The office of State Representative Richard M. Haggerty would like to make the public aware of several veteran related events scheduled in the following weeks.

The Battle of Iwo Jima 75th Anniversary Event will be held on Wednesday, February 19th at the Massachusetts State House. The ceremony begins promptly at 11am in the Memorial Hall, followed by a reception directly after.

On Monday, March 30th the Vietnam Veterans Day of Recognition and Parade will be held at Boston City Hall Plaza. The event will begin with an 11:30am parade departing City Hall, followed by a speaking program in the State House’s Memorial Hall beginning at 1:30pm.

For any questions related to these events please contact Anthony Langone, Legislative Aide to Representative Haggerty, at (617) 722-2090 or

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