Whitelam Books welcomes author Ben Jacques

Event Thursday, March 7 at 7:00 pm

Reading, MA — Whitelam Books is delighted to host author Ben Jacques as he presents his book, “In Graves Unmarked: Slavery and Abolition in Stoneham, Massachusetts” on Thursday, March 7 at 7:00 pm. Whitelam Books is located in downtown Reading at 610 Main Street, near the intersection of Haven Street and Main Street. This event is free and open to the public. Books will be available for purchase and signing.

Author Ben Jacques will share stories of slavery in Reading and Stoneham. You will hear about men, women, and children who occupied the lowest rung in colonial society. As slaves, they tilled the soil, split the wood, cooked the food and, in some cases, fought in our wars.

Ben Jacques has lived in Stoneham since 1980. A Professor of English at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts for 24 years, he currently writes about historical and current topics for print and online publications. He is the author of In Graves Unmarked: Slavery & Abolition in Stoneham, Massachusetts, as well as numerous magazine and newspaper articles. He and his wife, Rebecca, are parents of two and grandparents of five. He is a member of the Stoneham Historical Society and the Massachusetts Historical Society.

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