William Hattery, Class of 2019
Will Hattery is now completing his fourth year as the President of the Class of 2019. “Where there’s a Will, There’s a Way,” has been his student government campaign motto for all four years, and the slogan is a fitting reflection of Will’s can-do spirit. In addition to leading his class, Will is a starting lineman on our Middlesex League, Liberty Division champion football team, and he is also the co-president of the RMHS Model United Nations Club. Most importantly, Will distinguishes himself in the classroom, where he approaches his rigorous course load with enthusiasm and discipline. Will’s AP United States History teacher, Mr. DeBenedictis, says, “Will is awesome! He makes excellent connections in class discussions and seminars, and he just has a real easygoing, considerate, and thoughtful way about him. He works really hard. He’s mature and ready for the next step right now.”