Letter: Re-Elect John Arena for Board of Selectman

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Recently I attended a “meet and greet” with John Arena, candidate for re-election to the Board of Selectmen. Based on the questions and conversation, I was very favorably impressed by John as a candidate for re-election.

  • Of most importance, I concluded John is an independent thinking candidate I can trust to make decisions and vote in the best interests of Reading citizens.
  • He displayed a command of the issues, the role and responsibilty of the selectmen in addressing the issues, and the legal and regulatory environment for municipal government – John is very experienced and his six years as a selectman provides an excellent foundation for continued success in the role.
  • He showed a solid understanding of the issues facing Reading, and provided well supported rationales for his positions, displaying both common sense and an understanding of priorities.
  • His stated positions on the issues make sense to me.

As the election approaches, I plan to watch broadcasts of RCTV candidate videos and candidate debates, and I hope you will do so as well.

Also, please take a look at John’s website www.JohnArenaForSelectman.com for specifics on his policy positions and reasoning.

And then, please vote on April 3rd. A good turnout is important to ensure single issue special interest groups do not control the results of the election.

Bruce Cooper
Covey Hill Road

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