Fifty-Year Member of Town Meeting Recognized

Bill Brown leads Town Meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance

Town meeting member Bill Brown was recognized at the outset of the Thursday town meeting session for his 50 continuous years as a member of the body. No other person has served as a member for as long in the town’s history.

Brown, a longtime resident of Reading, was first elected to the post in 1967 after several failed attempts. He is sometimes jokingly referred to as “Mr. Malcontent” around town because of his conservative financial views and his tendency to make sure elected officials abide by the rules. He has been heard several times saying,“If they don’t want my opinion, stop sending me my tax bill” Brown has also served on the cemetery commission and is active in Veteran’s affairs in town, specifically as the driving force behind making sure flowers are placed on the graves of veterans each Memorial Day.

Speaking about Brown during the ceremony, former long-time Town Meeting member Fred Van Magness remarked, “He has worked to make Town Meeting a vibrant, active, and vital part of Reading.”

Stephen Hildreth presented a slide show about Bill Brown

Brown’s grandson, Stephen Hildreth had a short slideshow about his grandfather, adding that Brown keeps and refers to over one hundred years of Reading town reports in his home. Van Magnus then presented Brown with a “Mr. Malcontent” jersey while quoting town manager Robert LeLachuer, “What is best for the community is Bill’s sole policy objective.” Brown received a standing ovation from the members while accepting the gift.

Brown thanked Town Meeting for the ceremony while affirming, “I will be running for re-election next year.”

The recording the the entire presentation is available on RCTV website.


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