Sexton Thanks Supporters, Congratulates Halsey, Friedmann On Successful Campaign

Will Not Request Recount Despite Close Margin

“Elections are won by those who show up.” It’s the statement I’ve been making during this entire election and I want to sincerely thank all the people who did show up, in the rain, to cast their vote for me! Most of all, I want to thank my wife Erin and our two kids, Madison and JT. They started this journey with me three years ago and I will be forever grateful to have had their full support, then and now.

I have made some great friendships along the way and enjoyed working with the various boards, committees and commissions we have in town. Reading is blessed to have the quality of volunteers that we have and I want to thank all of them for their continued support of our town through their own efforts and sacrifices they each make.

I would also like to thank our town staff for the level of professionalism they bring to their jobs on a daily, and nightly I might add, basis. They don’t just come to work to work, they show up with the attitude of making our wonderful town better and I want to let them know I am grateful for their continued efforts!

I congratulate John Halsey and Andrew Friedmann on their successful campaigns! Both worked extremely hard over the last few months and as a resident, I thank them for that effort level and willingness to help our town. It was a close election, but I want to make it very clear, there will NOT be a recount. I strongly endorsed John Halsey during this election because I know how many great things he is working on to make our town more financially sustainable and I feel lucky to have him serving as our selectman. I would call on all the residents of town to support him, and the board, as they work through the difficult task of fixing our financial limitations.

And I especially would like to thank my fellow board members, they each bring a level of sincere dedication to all the residents of our town, we are lucky to have them and I will continue to support their efforts as well!

Thank you again!

Kevin M. Sexton

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