Town Receives 1-Year “Safe Harbor” from New 40b Applications

Town Protected From New 40B Applications until February of 2018

On March 7th, the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) officially accepted the Town of Reading’s request for a 1-year break from new 40B applications, and certified that the Town is in compliance with its Housing Production Plan. The request was made shortly after the Decision for the Reading Village 40B was filed with the Town Clerk on February 23, 2017. The Reading Village project, at 68 units, gave the Town more than the 0.50% increase in affordable housing production that it needs per calendar year, which enabled the Town to request a 1-year ‘Safe Harbor.’

While this does not impact construction of the permitted Reading Village project, or the process for the Schoolhouse Commons 40B project that is currently pending the ZBA, it does protect the Town from new 40B applications until February 22, 2018.

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