The Time, it is A Changin’ Old South Set to Spring Forward As the start of Daylight Savings Time approaches this weekend, Dave Roberts and...
DPW Hazardous Waste Collection Day The Reading Department of Public Works has announced Saturday, June 24 as its next hazardous waste collection day. This...
School Committee Seeks to Close Achievement Gaps School Administrators aim to close ‘achievement gap’ with move to two-level course instruction at middle and high schools Administrators...
Selectmen Get RMLD Update The Board of Selectmen received its bi-annual update from the Reading Municipal Light Department at its meeting on March...
Stop Signs & Sewer Rates Water and Sewer Rates to Increase The Board of Selectmen approved a nominal 3.3% combined increase to the water...
RMHS High Fives – Boyle & Miele Michaela is being recognized for her excellence in athletics and service. Academically, Michaela has enjoyed the challenges and rigors...
CPDC Looks at Future of Walker’s Brook Drive The Community Planning and Development Commission spent a large portion of their February 27 meeting discussing the potential for...
Scholarship Foundation Fundraiser On Thursday, March 23, the Mandarin Restaurant in Reading will host “Dine to Donate” for the benefit of the...
RPD to Host RAD Class The Reading Police Department will be teaching Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) classes for women this spring in the Community...
St. Agnes to Host Refugee Study Group The St. Agnes Church Parish Center will host a Refugee Study Group on two evenings, Tuesday, March 7 and...