RMHS to Host Robotics Competition this Weekend On March 18 and 19, the Reading Memorial High School (RMHS) robotics team, the Robockets, will host the North...
Middle School Cross Country Registration Opens March 22 Registration for the 2017 Middle School Cross Country team will open on March 22. The program, sponsored by the...
Reading Symphony Orchestra performs this Sunday Director George Ogata and the Reading Symphony Orchestra (RSO) will present an afternoon of “Music, Stories and Passion” this...
Last Day to Register to Vote for Town Election The last day to register to vote for the April 4 local election was Wednesday March 15. Due the recent snow...
Town Offices to Closed Today Due to an expected severe winter storm, residents and businesses are informed that Town offices will be closed for...
Town Prepares for March Blizzard When a large snowstorm is predicted for the region, Reading town government departments prepare in advance to get ready...
CPDC to Discuss Complete Streets Priorities On Monday, March 13 at 7:30 PM the CPDC and the Town Engineer will host a discussion of priorities...
Street Sweeping Program Street sweeping is scheduled to begin the week of March 27, 2017, weather permitting. You can help the DPW...
Reading Co-Op Offers a Piece of the Pie to Depositors As a result of what it calls a “good year”, the Reading Cooperative Bank reported this week that it...
The Reading Post Week in Review Stop Signs & Sewer Rates School Committee Seeks to Close Achievement Gaps CPDC Looks at Future of Walker’s Brook...