RMLD Launches Online Rebate Tool for Customers In keeping with its Get Greener, Go Paperless, Be Efficient initiative, Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD) is pleased to...
Police Work with Veterans’ Services Office to Collect Cell Phones For Soldiers Chief Mark D. Segalla is pleased to announce that the Reading Police Department is working with the town’s Veterans’...
Water Main Flushing to Begin Beginning June 5, the Department of Public Works, Water Division, will be conducting water main flushing, focusing on the...
School Committee Reviews Science Presentation The School Committee received a detailed presentation regarding the implementation of the new science curriculum at its meeting on...
Pack 728 Visits Police Station Members of Cub Scout Pack 728 visited the Reading Police Department during its annual Open House on Saturday, May...
Selectmen Discuss Policy Updates The Board of Selectmen reviewed two different types of policy manuals at its May 16 meeting. The personnel policies...
Board of Selectmen Chair Comments on RMHS Swastika Incident On Monday, May 8th at approximately 4:42pm, I received an email notifying me of a swastika graffiti incident at...
Quannapowitt Players to Perform Vanya, Sonya, Masha and Spike The Quannapowitt Players production of Vanya, Sonya, Masha, and Spike will be performed on May 19, 20, 21, 25,...
Walk Reading Weekend What is Walk Reading Weekend? It’s a chance for every resident of Reading to get out and enjoy Reading’s...
Reading Takes Root for the Future The Town of Reading is proud of its “Taking Root for the Future” shade tree planting program. The tree...